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DITECT configuration file "DTDFLT.CFG"

Only lines starting with DT00 or DTnn are evaluated !
DTnn  lines not used may be removed.
nn = language-no. e.g.: 01 = German, 02 = English, etc.  !
All other lines are comments.

The following lines show file "DTDFLT.CFG"

      Switches: Description:                                           Apr02

      adaptable by authorized personnell only !

      dhpath=   Pathname for all file-i/o (e.g.  \ditect\ )

      exdspac=  Space for base-dictionary-records

      excspac=  Space for base-dictionary-catalog.

      charm=    Space for text block (charm / 4 = max. no. of characters)

      usef=       Use specific short-/medium-term file-no. 01-999
                      0 = automatic selection of file-numbers

      adaptable by user:

      exfile=     Define special exception file(s).

      minwl=    Minimum length of words

      minkl=    Minimum length of word compounds. See: mexsw

      prbs=       Proposal list:
                      0  off,  1  on

      usuk=     Proposal search:
                     accuracy (performance)
                     0  lower    (faster)     "ab...."       (with DTnn.PRL)
                     2  good     (fast)        "ab......"     (2 = default)
                     4  high     (slow !)     "a..........."
                     8  very low (very fast)   "abc.."
                     +1  display refused words (with ending***)

      ftmp=     Exception storage:
                     0  off
                     1  short-term only.
                     2  medium- and short-term.
                     3  medium-term only.
                     +4  delete short-term-file on end-of-job !

      csch=     Check capital-/small initial letter:
                     0  off
                     1  single words only.
                     2  all words and start of sentences.
                     +4  off for words with 1-4 capital letters: ABCD
                     +8  off for words following "Quotation mark"

      mexsw=    Multiple seek of words, combined-words, compoundwords:
                     0  off
                     1  'combined-words' and 'combined' and 'words'.
                     2   same as 1       and 'compoundwords'.
                     3  'combined-words' and 'compoundwords'.
                     +4  mark double words like  "word word"
                     +8  check two correct neighbouring words  (slow !)

      swisw=   0  Standard German (language 01 or 40)
                     1  Swiss -  German (language 01 or 40): no ß-writing !

        |______ all switches must be written with small letters !

Basic switches value
DT00  charm= 30000;
DT00  exdspac= 32000;

DT00  usef= 0;
DT00  ftmp= 6;
DT00  minwl= 2;
DT00  minkl= 6;
DT00  prbs= 0;
DT00  usuk= 4;
DT00  swisw= 0;

Lang. dependant values: (excspac+= 2000 per special excfile added!)
DT01  csch= 6; mexsw= 6; excspac= 19000;
DT40  csch= 6; mexsw= 6; excspac= 15000;
DT02  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 8000;
DT03  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 12000;
DT04  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 13000;
DT05  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 48000;
DT06  csch= 4; mexsw= 5; excspac= 18000;
DT07  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 23000;
DT08  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 8000;
DT09  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 18000;
DT10  csch= 6; mexsw= 6; excspac= 23000;
DT11  csch= 6; mexsw= 6; excspac= 12000;
DT12  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 12000; usuk=4;
DT13  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 6500;
DT14  csch= 6; mexsw= 6; excspac= 10000;
DT15  csch= 6; mexsw= 6; excspac= 6000;
DT16  csch= 6; mexsw= 6; excspac= 12000;
DT17  csch= 6; mexsw= 6; excspac= 25000;
DT18  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 9000;
DT19  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 60000;
DT20  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 9500;
DT21  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 6000;
DT22  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 8000;
DT23  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 12000;
DT26  csch= 6; mexsw= 6; excspac= 5000;
DT27  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 30000;
DT29  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 4000;
DT30  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 9000;
DT31  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 4000;
DT32  csch= 6; mexsw= 6; excspac= 9000;
DT33  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 10000;
DT34  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 22000;
DT35  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 6000;
DT36  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 17000;
DT37  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 5000;
DT38  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 10000;
DT39  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 7000;
DT41  csch= 6; mexsw= 4; excspac= 27000;
DT42  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 30000;
DT43  csch= 6; mexsw= 6; excspac= 13000;
DT44  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 6000;
DT45  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 5000;
DT46  csch= 6; mexsw= 5; excspac= 13000;

Description of lines

DITECT uses several predefined global variables (switches) that may be
adapted to the user's wishes by editing file "DTDFLT.CFG".

DT00   lines hold definitions valid for all languages.
DTnn   lines hold definitions valid for language-no. 'nn'.
Other lines not starting with 'DT' are comments only.

DT00 and DTnn lines are limited to 80 characters but you may define
more than one DTnn line for the same language-no, e.g.:
DT40  csch= 6; mexsw= 6; excspac= 30000;
DT40  exfile= +specf1 specf2 specf3 specf4;

Later defined values overrule values defined before !
When languages are switched during spell checking session, user must be
aware that all values defined in a DT-line (except "exfile") are valid for
other languages as well until redefined again in another DT-line !
That is why "csch, mexsw and excspac" are defined in every DT-line again.

Description of special switches

to be adapted or verified by authorized personnell only:

dhpath=   Pathname for all i/o files (e.g.  \ditect\ )

exdspac=  Space for base-dictionary-records.

excspac=  Space for base-dictionary-catalog and exception-file-catalog(s).
          For every exception file defined in "exfile= +" the value of
          "excspac" must be increased by 2000.

charm=    Space for text block (charm / 4 = max. no. of characters),
          if defined too small, the remaining text is not checked !
          These 4 definitions should be set/changed only after verification
          by UB-Dieckmann !

usef=     Use specific short-/medium-term file-no. 01-999.
          If set to 0, each workstation gets another extension-no. xxx
          for files "DTnnTMP.xxx" and "DTnnEXC.xxx" (nn = language-no.).
          When user wants to always work with the same file-no, he uses
          his 'own' extension-no. and defines it in  DTnn line, e.g.
          usef=123;       (see "ftmp" also)

adaptable by user:

exfile=   Definition of special exception dictionaries.

          DITECT uses standard exception file "DTEXnn.TXT" and "DTEXnn.CAT"
          When user wants to switch it off or to add one or more other files,
          he may define this by using the "exfile=" parameter as follows:

          exfile=  +specf1 specf2;
             Use standard plus "specf1" and "specf2" for exception search.

          exfile=  =specf1 specf2;
             Don't use standard exception file but "specf1" and "specf2"
             for exception search only.

          specf1  means file "specf1.txt" and "specf1.cat".
          specf2  means file "specf2.txt" and "specf2.cat".

          Lenght of file name(s) e.g. "specf1" must be >= 5 characters.
          For every exception file defined in "exfile= " the value of
          "excspac" in that DTnn line must be increased by 2000 !

minwl=    Minimum length of words: shorter words are not checked.

minkl=    Minimum length of word compounds (see: mexsw)
          When DITECT does not recognize a word it tries to compose the
          word by combining smaller words of minimum length "minkl".
          As DITECT does not know the connecting points within the combined
          word, it starts with the error-position to check if the rest of
          the word is stored in dictionary a.s.o.
          So sometimes a composition cannot be successful !

prbs=     Proposal list:   0= off,  1= on
          When "on" DITECT displays max. 20 words showing correct writings
          for a misspelled word. This list of 'proposals' always starts
          with the one with the best fitting-percentage.
          The search for proposals is different in accuracy depending on
usuk=     that may be defined as follows, where (x) in brackets is the no.
          of the word's start letters to access the relevant file record:
           0   (ab) the search ends with greater words in sorting sequence.
               This means a small no. of records is searched.
           2   (ab) the search only ends when start letters change.
               This means a greater no. of records is searched.
           4   (a) like =2 but checks all records with that start letter.
               This means a huge no. of records is searched.
           8   (abc) or more start letters depending on catalog.
               It searches one directly accessed record only.

               Proposal accurary / program performance:
               2  default value.
               0  a little bit faster but less accurate.
               4  highest accuracy but slowest program performance !
               8  worst accuracy but very fast.

        +1   display refused words (with ending***).
               First line of proposal list with ending*** shows that this
               word is refused by user (stored in exception dictionary).
        +1   means select 0, 2, 4 or 8 and add 1 e.g.:  usuk=3;

ftmp=     Exception storage:
               0  off.
               1  short-term. An unknown word stored by user is not marked
                   further on in text.
               2  medium- and short-term. Same as before but the word is also
                   stored medium-term for later usage in exception dictionary.
             +4  delete short-term-file on end-of-article/text/day.
             +4  means select 0, 1 or 2 and add 4 e.g.:  ftmp=6;

csch=     Check capital-/small initial letter:
               0  off.
               1  Single words only. Capital initial letter at start of
                   sentence (s-o-s) is not checked.
               2  Initial letter of all words and at s-o-s is checked.
             +4  Words with 1-4 capital letters like ABCD are not checked.
             +8  Off for words following "Quotation mark (no s-o-s check).
             +n  means select 0, 1 or 2 and add 4 or 8 e.g.:  csch=6;

mexsw=    Multiple seek of combined-words / compound words:
               0  off
               1  combined-words
                  If "abcd-efghijk" is not found, DITECT tries to find "abcd"
                  and - if found - to find "efghijk". If both are found, the
                  combined-word is treated as 'correct' !
               2  combined-words and "compoundwords". Same as  1   and
                  if a "compoundword" is not found, DITECT tries to find
                  "compound" and - if found - to find "word" when no. of
                  letters of each word is >= minkl.
            +4  Mark double words like  "word word", when not seperated by
                  other characters except 'space' and end-of-line.
            +8  Check two correct neighbouring words as the combination of
                  them is possibly incorrect (affects program performance !).
            +n  means select 0, 1 or 2 and add 4 or 8 e.g.:  csch=6;

swisw=  0  Standard German (language 01 or 40).
              1  Swiss -  German (language 01 or 40): no ß-writing.
                  Both versions are working with the same base dictionary.
                  The differences are solved by program logic only.